Different types of stones are
classified according to their mineral content and the process of their
formation. Good stones are characterized by durability and hardness,
strength, amenability to dressing, appearance, weight, fineness of grain
and compactness and porosity and absorption. In order to be suitable as
building stone, a rock should have specific qualities such as capacity
to stand the ravages of time and weather, requisite strength to bear
strain and super-incumbent weight and attractive colour' and general
appearance. Its structure must also be such as to allow quarrying into
good sized blocks or planes. It should possess inherent features such as
joints and (in sedimentary rocks) bedding planes.
India possesses extensive deposits of different kinds of building and
monumental stones. It is one of the few major countries known for the
production and export of granites and marbles of various colours,
besides slate and other building stones. The most important building
stones in India are the granites/and allied rocks, the standstones,
limestones and marbles, and the laterites.
Types of Stones
The different types of stone are:
Igneous Stone
Igneous stones are formed from molten or partly molten material i.e.
magma, through solidification of magna. Lava is a form of magma cools
and solidifies on the surface of the earth. Liquid magma cools and
solidifies underneath the Earth's surface, and then mineral gases and
liquids penetrate the stone and create new crystalline formations and
various colors.
Of all igneous rocks, Granite is the most common choice. It is a
coarsely crystalline unstratified igneous rock composed of alkali
feldspars, quartz, mica and hornblende. Since granite is highly
speckled, it varies greatly in color depending on the range of the
minerals present and the location of the quarry. When the mica in
granite is white, it is known as muscovite, when it is dark it is
biolite. In certain types of granite, hornblende is an important
ingredient and it may be even more abundant than the micas. Due to its
chemistry, granite is a much harder stone. It doesn't scratch as easily
and rarely needs heavy-duty grinding.
Sedimentary Stone
Sedimentary stones are layered rocks, formed through the accumulation
and solidification of sediments, which may originally be made up of
minerals, rock debris, or animal or vegetable matter. These stones come
from such organic elements as glaciers, rivers, wind, oceans and plants.
Tiny sedimentary pieces break off from these elements and accumulate to
form rock beds. They are bonded through millions of years of heat and
pressure and include limestone, sandstone and travertine. The different
types of sedimentary stones are:
- Some stone types are the result of some pre-existing rock's
demise through the weathering process. Sandstone "Siliceous"
- The biogenic stones are produced by living organisms such as
marine creatures or vegetation which eventually died and the remains
became part of the sediment on the bottom of ancient sea beds.
Certain Limestone's, Coralstones, Fossilstone, Shellstone "Calcareous".
- The third is produced by inorganic chemical material being
deposited on the floor of ancient sea, lake beds and springs through
the process of precipitation or evaporation. The white fur deposits
in kettles in which hard water has been boiled is a good example of
this type of stone. Certain Limestone's and all Travertine's "Calcareous"
- The last sedimentary category are produced as a result of
volcanic activity. This stone is composed of volcanic ash with a
variety of secondary older rock materials from the surrounding area,
volcanic and igneous in nature. This category is considered a tuff
sedimentary stone. It is also classified as a igneous stone due to
its volcanic origin. Cantera and Adoquin are of this variety "Siliceous"
Metamorphic Stones
Metamorphic stones are formed in some fashion from a pre-existing rock,
through heat, pressure, the effect of superheated fluids, or any
combination of these forces. The change can be a development of
crystalline formation, a texture change or even a color change.
Metamorphic is derived from the Greek word "meta" denoting a
change and "morph" meaning form or a change in form. This
changing of one rock type into another new type takes place by an
increase in temperature or pressure or a combination of both. The
original minerals of the stone recrystallize, small crystals merge to
form larger crystals with no changes in the mineral chemistry,
fine-grained calcite in limestone recrystallizes to a coarse-grained
calcite crystal structure in marble; or there may by a transformation
into a different set of metamorphic minerals. This recrystallization
transforms the Shale into a colorful Slate "Siliceous".
Limestone becomes a multi colored Marble "Calcareous" and the
grainy Sandstone alters into a highly crystallized sparkling Quartzite "Siliceous".