Ocean Green Slate are the kind of slate stones that
are impermeable and resistant to atmosphere pollution. These natural
green slate stones achieve a visual harmony with the stone buildings and
drystone walls and is highly popular in the stone industry in both
natural and polished surface finishes.

Only machine cut edges (sawn)

30x30, 30x40, 40x40, 40x60, 60x30, 60x60 Cut to size Tiles

10-15mm, 12-18mm, 12-18mm, 12-18mm, 12-18mm, 12-18mm, 12-18mm with
tolerance of ±5mm (for Both sides Natural AND One side natural &
one side Polished/honed)

to 12mm with a tolerance of ±1mm (for One side natural & one
side calibrated AND One side polished and one side calibrated)

30x20x1, 30x15x1, 30x10x1